Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hey World

Everyday is like a whole new life-a mini-life I guess one could call it. Imagine, awaking is your birth, and going to sleep at night is your death. The things you learn during the day are your maturing.

It's crazy to put it into such context. Sometimes I worry that I am not going to accomplish the things I want by the time I die. (I am a worry wart by the way). Honestly, my biggest fear in life is dying without having made my mark on the world. It is ridiculous that I am concerning myself with such thoughts so soon. I am very young, not even a legal adult yet. I have been blessed throughout my short life with opportunities that I have come to realize, most of the human population would kill for. But, why me? Why have these opportunities that people struggle to get happen to fall into my lap so easily? I cannot answer that question right now and probably never will be able to. It takes time and exposure to realize your blessings. The sad part about today's society is that we consider our blessings to be what we have in comparison to others. We do not feel blessed by what we have, but by how superior we feel to others. I don't understand how I have come to this conclusion, but I hope it makes sense to anyone who reads this. If it does, let me know. I'd like to hear what you think, :)

But to close this post, I would like to include a quote I found today. It relates to what I touched upon about not accomplishing what I want to accomplish in life. It's by Eleanor Roosevelt: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."